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Catering services for all your events

We’ll help you be the perfect host, and enjoy the party too!

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Catering services for all your events

Catering Information and Policies

DELIVERY: Corporate drop off catering are that we prepare fully in our kitchen and deliver the final product to our clients. No staff is required and no preparation is done onsite.

DELIVERY AREA LOCATIONS: We deliver all over the Northern Virginia, Washington and Suburban Maryland area, Delivery charges vary base on the distance from our location. Please call for the rates to your office or venue.

ORDERING: We require each order to be for a minimum of 10 or more people. we also ask for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours notice for all items in our  menu. we do try to accommodate orders within 24 hours, but may be subject to availability and our delivery schedule.

Baby Shower

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.

Birthday Party

Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.


Donec pede justo, fringilla vel.


Opening Hours

All Days – Opening at 11:30  am to 12 am(midnight)

For Weekends – Opening at 11 am to 2 am

